Popular Questions

Our Resellers are listed on our Distributors web page
All products have data sheets available that detail engineering specifications and product design criteria. You can find these directly on the specific product page.
This is a key question that we hope many customers take advantage of. This works in tandem with our renewal program as well – a very big benefit of the ABFluidix brand. Products can be registered online and should be done prior to product installation.

Product Questions

Order and Shipping Questions
Our products meet and/or exceed many brand manufacturers that sell into the flow control industry. We update our products and cross reference detail consistently. You can find our cross-reference table located in our Retrofit Pump Cross Reference.
Our products come with a satisfaction guarantee trial period – Please review these details on our Returns page.
We are continuously upgrading the brand and its capabilities. To be included on all trade show event appearances and updates, product advances, and product launches – please sign up for our detailed quarterly newsletter in the footer of our website.
We are available for assistance at anytime. Email us with as much product detail as possible and we will get back to you promptly. If this is a commercial concern, we recommend contacting your reseller first.
Please try to reach out directly to the point of purchase reseller. If the issue is technical in nature, feel free to reach us on our website or email us directly at info@abfluidix.com.
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